Why do we celebrate
Jesus’ birth at Christmas,
when we don’t even know
when he was born?
It was necessary and inevitable
that we select a date
to celebrate an eternal miracle—
the coming to earth
of God in human form...Jesus,
who changed the entire world
with his message of love,
forgiveness, humility and peace.
Christmas is an obligatory
and indispensable holiday
to mark the end
of guiltless, self-centered selfishness,
and the beginning of service
to God and to our fellow man.
That is worth celebrating.
Jesus is the Reason
In Bethlehem , God gave to us
The source of Christmas joy;
A star shown on a miracle:
The virgin birth of a boy.
He was born both God and man,
A Savior for us all,
The way to get to our heavenly home,
If we just heed His call.
So as we shop and spend and wrap
And enjoy the Christmas season,
Let's keep in mind the sacred truth:
Jesus is the reason.