Why Jesus? Why trust Jesus? Why give your life to Jesus Christ? These are questions we’ve been exploring in church. Here are some of the answers suggested in the Bible: Jesus…
- Calms our fears
- Stabilizes life
- Offers us eternal purpose
- Gives peace in our Pain.
- Offers Joy in our Journey
- Saves us when we are Lost
- Gives meaning for our life activities
- Provides Friendship with God
In this week’s lesson from Philippians, Chapter 4, I explore how Jesus speaks deep contentment to our soul. The text provides specific advice on how to listen to Christ’s peace producing message. I call Paul’s advice: Tools for Maintaining a Healthy Inner Ear.
When our ears are blasted with chaos creating communication, we can end up with an inner ear infection that detrimentally impacts our spiritual walk. Rather than listening to the chatter of culture that clamors for our attention, we can “dwell” on positive things that are:
- true
- honorable
- right
- pure
- lovely
- of good repute
- excellent
- worthy of praise