In this picture we see some numbers in the wilderness, signifying the book of Numbers. What these numbers are doing reminds us of a key word for the book of Numbers—Wanders. Numbers in the Hebrew Scripture begins and ends with an official count of the people of Israel. But between the two numberings occurs the real story of the book: the wanderings of God’s people in the wilderness. Twelve scouts were sent into the land. Because of the negative report of 10, the fearful people chose to rebel against God despite the Lord's assurances of blessing. And so, rather than enjoy the Promised Land of milk and honey, the Israelites spent nearly 40 years wandering in the desert wilderness. Throughout Numbers the faithfulness of God is contrasted with the fickleness of God's people. And even though the Lord had to judge their disobedience, God faithfully led them through the agonizing detour they had created for themselves.
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Here's a wonderful Bible verse from Numbers to remember:
"The Lord bless you and keep you!" (Numbers 6:24)