Federal and State authorities have issued health standards in response to the Covid19 threat. Based on their guidelines, and out of a spirit of care and caution, our leadership team at church has made the following decisions:
- We have suspended Sunday worship for now. We will be posting worship on facebook and our website. Please let me know if you would like to get a DVD recording of worship. Only a small group of designated music and worship leaders will meet Sunday to conduct and film worship. We presently plan to do this March 15, 22, and 29.
- Furthermore, because it is not feasible for us to keep the various rooms on FCC campus thoroughly clean, disinfected and safe; we will be suspending all meetings of groups on FCC campus for three weeks, until April 2nd. As we approach that date, we will re-evaluate.
- The offices at church will remain open to support the ongoing ministry. We recommend no “drop in” visits, just appointments. You can reach the office by phone or call my cell anytime (909-747-8812).
As the Covid19 virus spreads, we must take precautions to protect ourselves and one another, especially those at particular risk. Older adults and those with serious medical conditions can get very sick if they are infected. Furthermore, we want to do our part to mitigate the spread of the virus. By limiting contact, in these ways, we are offering one less public space for the virus to be transmitted by persons who may be infected, but not symptomatic. In this way, we are showing care to the most vulnerable.
Our state public health officers warn against large gatherings. While small gathering can proceed, they urge us to implement social distancing of 6 feet per person. And most importantly, “those at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should be limited to no more than 10 people, while also following social distancing guidelines.”
We recommend that everyone follow these standards. We further encourage people to stay current with good information from proper authorities. At FCC we are monitoring this fluid situation, based on recommendations generating from these sources:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: www.cdc.gov
- The World Heal Organization: www.who.int
- S. Department of Health and Human Services: www.hhs.gov
- Office of the California Governor: https://www.gov.ca.gov/
In the midst of this public health concern, there is still good news: Jesus is Lord! This message comes through loud and clear in our Lenten texts from the Book of Revelation. We want to show and tell this amazing truth in all we do.
- During this time of service and meeting suspension, please spend time with the Lord in reading and prayer.
- Let’s learn how to have virtual meetings. I’ll be letting you know about some Bible studies and meetings that we can have on Zoom by just calling in.
- If you do get sick and can’t get out, give us a call. We are seeking to organize a team that can help with shopping.
- Also, call if you want to talk or pray together. You may also drop me a line with any prayer concerns.
Remember, visit us online. Jesus is with us, wherever we gather. Let’s keep fixing our eyes on him and staying connected with each other from at least a 6ft distance.
Please stay safe, let me know if we can help you, and share this information with others. Watch your emails for further updates. This is a dynamic and developing situation. I’ll also be making posts on the pastor’s blog, which is on our website at www.redlands.church.