God cares for you! You know this, don't you? Sometimes we just need to open our eyes to see. I really like the following reflections that my wife, Cindy, shared in this week's Family Newsletter:
This time of pandemic has been mixed with blessings and challenges. We are focusing on the blessings as we share silver linings photos from our families. See below.
As we carefully re-enter engagement with our community we may recognize a longing to do those things we enjoy and are used to doing-getting together with family and friends; going back to work; gathering for church; getting a haircut or eating at a favorite restaurant, to list a few. As we get closer to some semblance normalcy, we may get impatient and feel more taxed.
I recently noticed my own stress. So I did what I always do. I asked God for help. I specifically asked God to show me he cares. Then I started looking for what God would do. God sent friends with flowers, a bag of fruit was dropped off at our door, a friend wrote a thoughtful note, a friend brought by some homemade masks, and a friend reached out to say I was on their mind and they'd been praying for me. These are God moments. They could have gone by unnoticed, but I was looking to see what God would do and he showed up.
May God show up in your life in ways that demonstrate his love for you today, in the weeks ahead, and always.