Today we celebrated Memorial Day Weekend communion in our Zoom Worship. To the left of this text is a picture of a previous Memorial Communion in our sanctuary.
Tomorrow as we celebrate memorial day, and as people venture out to graveyards (with the appropriate social distancing), I am reminded of how this tradition got started as Decoration Day.
In Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, three young ladies–Emma Hunter, Sophie Keller and Elizabeth Myers–began the annual custom of decorating soldiers’ graves in 1864, while the Civil War was still being fought.
Young Emma, Sophia, and Elizabeth started a tradition that now calls upon all Americans to remember the dedication of those who have fought and died. Remembering stirs in us a sense of gratitude and appreciation, and it strengthens our resolve to do our part in serving God, country and others.
One of our traditions in Redlands is the Fourth of July Band. Below is an interview with our friend, the late Curtis B. Allen Sr., and a band member, Michael Shea. Near the end of the video is some great Patriot Music played at the Bowl that you can enjoy for Memorial Day.