Non-Profit Management and Fund Raising program
February 2015
Capstone Project:
“Implementing Bequest Programs in Small to Mid-size Organizations”
New York University, New York, NY. Certification
Organizational and Executive Coaching
December 2009
San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA. Doctor of Ministry, May 2005
Dissertation: “The Pastor’s Story: Using Personal Life Narratives for Gaining Critical Self-Awareness for Effective Pastoral Ministry”
Dissertation Advisor: Richard Blackmon, Ph.D.
Fields of study: Psychology, Sociology, Theology, Auto-Biographical Literature, Public Speaking, Family Therapy, Non-Profit Management, Transformational Leadership, Managing Organizational Change
Fuller Theological Seminary
Pasadena, CA; Master of Divinity
May 1985
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle, WA
Bachelor of Arts
Psychology and Religion May 1980
Palisades Presbyterian Church, First Response Interim Minister, Interim Pastor
Brought compassion support and organizational stability to congregation experiencing grief after sudden death of a beloved minster of 33 years.
- Developed caring relationships to support individuals and groups through grieving process
- Guided organization through a process to prepare for future leadership
- Stabilized attendance and income by providing well-received messages, sensitive leadership in program areas, systematic visitation, and meaningful care to the sick and grieving
Edify, Vice President
San Diego, CA. 2011-2012
Served as chief development officer, advancing affordable schooling in economically challenged communities in the developing world.
- Promoted education as a key response to ending cycles of poverty and providing long-lasting community transformation
- Supported national development efforts resulting in increase of annual donations from $2.5M to $3.3M
- Stewarded donors and cultivated prospects through the systematic management of development processes
- Nurtured relationships with partner micro-finance institutions, schools and field workers in Africa and Latin America
First Presbyterian, Pastor: Head-Staff
Manasquan, NJ. suburb, 679 members, 2003-2011
Helped propel growth in attendance, income,facilities, programs and outreach.
- Doubled attendance and quadrupled annual income within five years
- Organized Team Hope, a vital coalition of over 100 leaders and helping professionals to meet community needs in a time of teen suicide contagion
- Co-founded mental health organization: The Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore that provides grief support and other mental health services to schools, families, churches and individuals
- Oversaw 400% increase in services to the food insecure through The Pantry of Manasquan, NJ
- Guided $3.5M facility improvement and developed a bequest program that led to receipt of $1.1M bequest
- Initiated the launch of three uniquely distinct services of worship that contributed to growth and effectively reaching diverse populations
- Started adult education programs, including classes, regional speaker series and support groups
- Advocated for cross-cultural service projects and international relief work resulting in expansion of volunteers for programs locally, nationally and internationally
- Guided church toward technological advancements in communication systems, including multi-media publications, member data management, personalized mass communication and advanced web presence
Monte Vista Presbyterian, Pastor: Head-Staff
Thousand Oaks, CA. suburb, 250 members, 1988-2003
Extended community impact, expanded facilities and guided church from a solo pastorate to a multi-staffed congregation.
- Served as commissioner to the Presbyterian Church (USA), Board of Pensions, evaluating $6 billion investment portfolio and policies for services for 40,000 members.
- Cultivated and secured $40M dollar gift for the establishment of the Oaks Christian School in Westlake Village, CA
- Served on Board of YMCA of Thousand Oaks during $2M campaign for a community recreation center
- Led the congregation through development resulting in increased worship attendance, addition of a worship services, expansion of Christian education programming for youth and adults, and several capital drives resulting in construction of a sanctuary and education facility
- Reached out to the community through sponsoring a church-based counseling center and Latino Spanish-speaking ministry
- Offered leadership to increase ordained pastoral staff, expand support staff, and develop internship program for seminary students and church young people
- Contributed to civil public dialogue through organizing, promoting and hosting popular Candidate Forums for several election cycles in T.O.
- Recognized as Distinguished Religious Leader by Thousand Oaks Chronicle
First Presbyterian, Pastor-Associate
Centralia, WA. small town, 500 members, 1985-1988
The congregation was known as a strong community church with vital Bible study programs, family ministry and a commitment to a third of the operating budget for mission.
- Initiated successful program of outreach and care through Stephen Ministries International system and supported the sick, dying and their families through coordination of the Deacon services.
- Served on Presbytery Camps and Conferences Committee that guided acquisition and development of the 100 acre waterfront Camp Sound View
- Taught extensive overview of the Bible for adults using the Bethel Bible Series, trained leaders to teach further classes
- Led youth programs and camps for High School, Jr. High and elementary children
- Planned and implemented international mission trips
- Taught weekly Bible classes, initiated small groups, coordinated deacon ministry and provided pastoral care to congregation members
Menlo Park Presbyterian, Director of Student Programs
Menlo Park, CA. suburb, 5,000 members, 1983-1985
The church had a strong reputation for quality staff and innovative ministry, locally and worldwide.
- Led growth from average weekly attendance of 50 to 200 in three years
- Expanded Youth outreach with appealing Sunday morning Bible Studies, fun weekly evening fellowships, monthly outreach activities, and quarterly big events like concerts and camps
- Recruited and trained volunteer staff of 50 adult volunteers, college-aged counselors, and upper-class peer leaders
- Implemented auxiliary programs like a basketball league, parent-teen sex-education classes, local service projects, and foreign mission trips
- Participated in weekly worship leadership and conference speaking
- Worked in collaboration with ministry staff of 12 pastors / directors, and coordinated programs within a staff of 150 employees
Ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament/Teaching Elder, Presbyterian Church (USA) 1986-
Executive and Organizational Coach, Certification, NYU, 2009
Interim Minister, Certified,PC (USA) Zephyr Point, CA, 2002
Stephen Ministry, CertifiedTrainer, Berkeley, CA, 1988
Bethel Bible Series, Master Teacher, Madison, WI, 1987
Downtown Rotary (BF), Chair-Programs (12’), Chair-Pathways to Peace (12-13’), San Diego 2012-
Urban Youth Collaborative, Sponsor and Middle School Club Counselor, 2013-present
Rolling Readers, Southeast San Diego, 2012-present
Mental Health Board, Commissioner, Monmouth County, NJ, 2010-2011
Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore, Founder, Manasquan, NJ, 2009-2011
Committee on Ministry Chair of Pastor Support; Monmouth Presbytery, NJ, 2004-2007
YMCA, Board of Directors, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2000-2002
General Assembly, Commissioner, Presbyterian Church (USA), 2000
Pony Baseball and AYSO Soccer, Coach and Manager, Thousand Oaks, CA, 1991-2002
Legacy Educational Alliance, Board President, Thousand Oaks, CA, 1994-1999
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Chair; Santa Barbara Presbytery, CA, 1992-1997
Camps and Conferences Committee, Olympia Presbytery, WA,1986-1888
University of San Diego / Peace Forum, San Diego, CA, 2012
Honing skills for a major gift ask, Sturtevant Fundraising, 2012
Paideia Seminar: San Francisco, CA 1996 and Freehold, NJ 2011
Willow Creek Association, Leadership Summit, South
Barrington, IL, 1993-2011
Harvard University, Coaching in Leadership and Medicine, Boston, MA, 2009
Alpha Ministries, Leadership Training, Manasquan, NJ, 2009
Purpose Driven Network, The PEACE Project, Lake Forest, CA, 2008
Alban Institute, Transformative Organizations, Cherry Hill, NJ, 2005
Oxford University, The Theology of C.S. Lewis, Oxford, England, UK, 1999
Davis, S. (2013) “Big Funds in Small Churches: An Avenue to Estate Gifts for Congregations.” Capstone Project. Columbia University in the City of New York, NY. August 2013
Britton, S, Davis, S, Kessler, A & Lamont, A. Annual Campaign Plan: The Buckley School. Annual Campaigns, Columbia University in the City of New York, NY. April 2010.
Davis, S. “Church Fundraising Action Plan: Bringing Best Practices of Nonprofit Management to the Local Church.” Foundations for Nonprofit Management, Columbia University in the City of New York, NY. December 2009.
Davis, S. The Pastor’s Story: Using Personal Life Narratives for Critical Self-Awareness in Pastoral Ministry. Dissertation, San Francisco Theological Seminary, May 2005
School evaluations in Ghana, West Africa. A series of on-site tours and interviews with administrators, teachers and students in independent sustainable schools, evaluation of programs, and interpretation of their work to donor prospects. April, 2012
Guided study of Greece and Turkey. A comparative study of the history and culture of Greece and Turkey, traveling in the areas around Athens, Ephesus, Cappadocia, and Istanbul, May 2010
Independent Study of the Art and History of Italy: Tours of Rome, Florence, Venice and Naples, February 2009
Chihuahua Teaching and Leadership. Taught classes and lead a student work-team in support of a orphanage and social services center in Chihuahua, Mexico, July 2004
Mexicali Outreach. Led student work-team serving together with Mexican partners in a clinic in the Mexicali Valley, Mexico, April 2001
Guided Study of Japan. Explored Japanese history, culture and religion including study and tours of Tokyo, Nikko, Kyoto, Nara, and Hiroshima, April 2000
Study and Teaching in the British Isles. Analyzed the development of religion in the British Isles and taught weekly in multiple sites through St. Andrews in Helensburgh, Scotland, UK, June-August 1998
Independent Study of French Art, History and Culture. Traveled throughout France including Paris, Versailles, and Avignon, August 1998
Yucantan Teaching and Service. Taught classes and supervised work-projects offering support to several city and jungle churches/schools in the Yucatan in Mexico, August 1986, August 87, and July 1993
“Habits of Effective Fundraisers.” Presentation to development staff of Hope International in conference in San Diego, CA, February 2012
“Focus Group: A Systems Approach to Leadership.” Coordinated and facilitated bi-weekly collaborative leadership development group. Manasquan, NJ September 2006-2011
“The Principals and Practices of Leadership: Steps for Servant Leaders.” Monthly lessons for church leaders. Thousand Oaks, CA, September 1995-February 2003; and Manasquan, NJ, May 2003-2011
“A Comparison of Stewardship practices at Princeton Theological Seminary and First Presbyterian Church of Manasquan.” Presentation at Columbia University in the Fundraising Management Program, New York, NY, November 2010
“New Approaches to Stewardship.” Presentation at Columbia University to students in Fund Raising Management Program. New York, NY, November 2009; and presentation to church leaders, Manasquan, NJ, February-September 2010
“Annual Campaign Plan for the Centennial Year at Buckley School in New York City.” Presentation to Columbia University students in Fund Raising Management Program. New York, NY, April 2010; and submitted to the Buckley School, May 2010
“Care-giving: A training course for those in helping relationships.” Two semester program offering training for Certified Church Care-Givers. Taught in Centralia WA, September 1988; co-taught in Thousand Oaks, CA, September1997-May, 1998; and Manasquan, NJ, September 2010
“Evidence-Based Approaches to Executive and Personal Coaching from Various Schools of Psychology.” Presentation to New York University students in the certificate program in coaching. New York, NY, September-November 2009